Surprise Gifts

What an amazing goodie bag my darling mother put together for me!! Mom and I find things for each other all the time and we're always swapping, peeking in each other's sewing areas, etc. But yesterday she decided it was a good day for a party. I have a birthday coming this week and I was incredibly surprised with her sweet bags of vintage trims, fabrics, curtains, wallpapers, old books with sweet pictures... I was SO excited to get up today and start looking through all my new vintage goodies!! And, as with all the gifts we give each other, it came with the invitation to use it however I want - keep, sell, whatever!! I'm going to set about some sewing projects!

I'm so not ready for Summer freedom to end and for school to start! Well, I'm only homeschooling one child this year (my 2nd grader) so it won't be too bad. For the last couple of years our highschooler was also homeschooled but this year he's returning to the local Christian school. Please keep him in your prayers. School starts the 22nd and it's really going to be a test to see if his back will be able to handle sitting for a full day, carrying books, etc. Since his injury 3 years ago, he's not been back to school full time. He left as an 7th grader and is returning as a junior so there will probably be some social adjustments too. Right now, he's taking all the kids over to the bike track (how ironic) so they can ride the jumps and mom can get a few minutes of peace!

64) My 16 year old son!
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"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown

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