So... I spent the morning putting together some of my online resources and gave each subject a file. They cover all grade levels and all subjects (interactive games, printable worksheets, Tests & Quizzes, ect.) as well as SAT testing info, Planning Sheets (for assignments, menus, etc.), Blogs for homeschool kids, Blogs for homeschool moms, and so on. They are all now conveniently located in the Homeschool Helps file. There is an icon on my right sidebar for future use. Just look for the little red schoolhouse.

Do you have some great homeschool links that you'd like to add? I would LOVE that! You can either email me (countingyourblessings@gmail.com) or you can sign into keepandshare.com (it's free) and add a comment under any subject (use the red schoolhouse on my sidebar). Your two cents may be invaluable to another homeschool family!
Wish I could help you but I my kids attend public school. Sorry!
Thanks for the info Polly. My husband and I are considering this option. I am a certified teacher and worked in public schools for 6 years before becoming a stay at home Mom. I have become more and more frustrated with the current testing emphasis in education right now. So we are checking out all options... I will certainly follow your link to the resources.
That was a good idea to put them in folders! When we were homeschooling I had the same problem. There's just so much info out there. I had links galor and often would just forget what I had!
ReplyDeleteWe may homeschool again next year -
11th & 12th grade!
Wow Polly! I never homeschooled my kids, I can't imagine the organization it requires!
ReplyDeleteMy youngest son was hospital home schooled due to his illness mostly through highschool & with a teacher coming to our home daily! Even at that it was some work on my part and he wasn't very cooperative! I have to say I failed terribly...
Good for you,
Polly you must be pretty organised to be able to Home School. Congratulations on doing it.
My kids are grown and went to public school. I admire you Polly!
I homeschooled till about 3 years ago...all 3..#1 was up until 7th grade! God bless you my dear! I think #3 would still be able to be at home, but he wanted to be like his brothers..LONG story...I will dig through my stuff and maybe I can come up with something you haven't seen yet...You rock! Here's a word: Deut.11:19, You shall teach them your children, speaking of them when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up....I can say that I see even in my stuborn #1... he has such an awesome foundation that I wouldn't trade for anything!! You go girl! How awesome for you!!Hugs.
ReplyDeletePolly I'm just catching up on all your lovely posts-and out of interest I'm going to check out your resources! It will be interesting to compare similarities and differences!!xx
ReplyDeleteHi Polly,
ReplyDeleteI have to catch up with your blog, I've been left behind. I never knew you home schooled your kids, I think that is wonderful:)Being a teacher ,I admire parents who place such importance in their children's learning. I'm sure you are doing a fantabulous job! Keep up the great work.