Hey look, Amazon has a picture of it now! Doesn't it look like the most delicious thing ever?!! So, let me tell you a little story about Robin & John. Ok, it's really a story about me making a jerk of myself, but let's just get it out there that I'm a jerk occasionally. I LOVE everything about her style! I mean I've saved every article. You're getting to know me a little bit so you tell me, is there a victorian style that could
be more me?! My husband and I were going to go to Marburger for our anniversary that particular year and I was so excited at getting to see some of her things in person. We had some financial things come up that had to be taken care of and we just couldn't scrape the money together to go. I was a little mifed that I was missing this wonderful weekend. And I really, really wanted one of her handbags! But there simply wasn't a way that we could afford one so I did the best I could to make one. It turned out ok but I it took forever. (Boy, the hours of work that must go into her beautiful detials!) When I started to get requests for them, I put one or two on ebay. I didn't label them as hers but I compared mine to hers which is an ebay no-no as well as a trademark infringement. As a paralegal, I knew better. But worse than that, when John called, I just acted childish. Why, oh why, is pride something that interfers with using our brains?!
Let me tell you straight from the start that John and Robin are so kind that even in pointing out my wrong-doing, John made me feel like I was being complimented. I'd had a difficult couple of days. I was tired and thought for a stupid moment, "You can't tell me what to do... blah, blah, blah..." After a while of making a complete idiot of myself on the phone, I agreed rather snidly that I would be more careful in future auctions. I hung up the phone ashamed of myself! 
It's one of those moments that even now, a single thought of it fills me with regret. I didn't do a good job of showing off the God that I love so very much. I'd like to be on their mailing list and I want so badly to go to her store sometime, but I fear I've blown any respectable opportunity I may have. I know it must seem silly that I just can't put it behind me. How likely is it that it mattered to them anyways, right?! I feel like I need to apologize. How do I fix this dilema? (if you haven't visited her yet, check out the Magnolia Pearl website)
ReplyDeleteI'm a little confused. Did you inadvertently label them as "her" bags?? Because if you did, and her husband kindly told you about yourself, then I would consider the matter done. BUT, to feel better, you could send her a letter. Leave a comment on her site that you're still feeling bad but had to come and shop anyway. I'm sure that they have forgotten the whole ordeal anyway.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJulie, I was going to leave a comment to respond to you but decided I'd just modify the post so that it was a little more clear. In the meantime though, this is so ironic, I clicked "delete comment" and a screen came up that said, "Delete Forever? (it can't be un-done)". Isn't that the truth?!!!
ReplyDeletePolly, we all have our "jerky" moments, and of course one of the things that seems to bring them out in anyone is criticism, right or wrong. I would say, apologise, tell them what you told us and forgive yourself. They have probably let it go long ago. If he was nice about it it probably shows that they arent the type to hold it against you anyway.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah. Hmmm. Do you have their phone number still or is there an email address somewhere? You only have to tell it as simply as you told us. Send them a link to this post....I'm sure the forgiveness will come quickly from them but you have to forgive yourself!
ReplyDeletemom talking here...if you feel like you need to apoligize...then do it...your gut feeling is God talking to you...this is probably a non issue for her...but will be a forever issue until you forgive yourself...as a lovely person, don't do this to yourself...blessings, rebecca
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet looking book! I'll have to look for that one.
ReplyDeletePolly, I agree with Kathleen. If you feel you need to apologize in some way, then do. After that, forgive yourself, let it go and sign up for that newsletter. There is not a person alive who does not have times that we look back on and wish we had handled things differently. Although things can not be undone, they can be ammended and repaired.
ReplyDeleteIf it were the other way round, and someone came to you and apologized, wouldn't you forgive them? I bet they would react the same way.
Love Ya:)
I agree - simply send a letter or an email, or even phone them. I bet they have completely forgotten, but would be so touched that you had felt this way for so long and made the effort to fix the situation. God will bless your obedience. I agree with Rebecca - that nagging feeling is more than likely God's way of exposing something you need to take care of - whether it means talking to them, or simply forgiving yourself.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all the others. More than likely it's long forgotten on their end. But if you feel that you owe an apology, then, simply put...just apologize. Ask God to forgive you and then leave it there. Don't pick it back up and tote it around again. Me preaching....I need to listen to my own advice! LOL! I am so guilty of carrying around my guilt even after I have asked for forgiveness....
Polly, please don't beat yourself up about what happened. Everyone makes mistakes, we are human after all. I think if you sent an email to them, telling them how excited you are about their book and how you feel bad about what happened and how much you admire what they do, I'm sure they would love to hear it and I know you will feel better too. Good luck!
Oh, what a story! We all have moments like that, of stupidity, pride, or other less than Godly behavior! I am sure your simple apology and remorse is plenty to repair the wrong doing. They probably haven't given it a second thought but to clear your conscience a few words of remorse should repair any damage.
ReplyDeleteAh, the ridiculous things we do sometimes in a weak moment! After you've cleared the air with your apology, you should move on, lesson learned and sin forgiven!
The best part is the lesson learned, so many people do dumb things and they just don't feel the remorse that they should. You clearly are repentant and that is worth more than an empty apology in God's eyes!
I agree with everyone.........just unburden yourself with a letter of apology and you will feel like you have done everything you could to rectify the situation.
ReplyDeleteA Christian counselor who I went to after my children's dad went AWOL told me that to be able to ask for forgiveness( both heavenly and human) for whatever harm, no matter how small, is the first step to loving yourself and feeling your own worth again.
I have never regretted telling my ex that I was sorry that I did not make him happy and to wish him the best for his future....and, of course, you have to mean it.....It truly put me on the right path to a more content future.
You can do it......Best Wishes........Rosie
What a great book- On the other note- everyone has left fabulous advice! we agree!
kari & kijsa
Good advice from all........all I can say Polly is I'd love to look at one of YOUR handbags as I would never pay THOSE outrageous prices. Just my .02
Everyone has given you great advice but if you would, could you share with us one of YOUR designs? I think most of us would enjoy seeing your work!
ReplyDeleteLike everyone else has said, I'm sure it's a way bigger deal to you for surely they have forgotten long ago.
However...you need to stop beating yourself up for it!
You learned a great lesson...maybe that was the plan!
Hi Polly,
ReplyDeleteBless your heart, if they read this post they would surely understand. I'm going to add Nita and John to the prayer list now, thanks for reminding me :)
Hi Polly,
ReplyDeleteI tried to add to the prayer list but I'm having trouble (Vista) could I ask you to add them?
FORGIVE you and move forward. MUCH easier said than done. We all have embarrassing moments.
ReplyDeleteYour style is YOUR style. I would LOVE to see some of YOUR work!
I have seen MANY created bags like that and LOVED them! NO one owns the copyright on stripes, rags, or such. If they did the Quilting world would come to an absolute stop! Give credit to those from whom received inspiration. That is courtesy and proper.
I have painted items and listed them on ebay as Child's like or ME Whimsey like. Evil would love to tamp down your creativity, don't let it.
Please show us your work.
Polly, I agree with the ladies here. I am sure they have forgotten about it, but since you haven't, then send them a letter with your apology....
p.s. on another note...to answer your questions about my barn/studio to be....
ReplyDeleteYes it will have heat and a/c. We are putting in larger windows too...
Oh Polly! everyone here has such good advice...remember God's word " When a man's ways pleases the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.." not that they are your enemies! I was just telling #1 son this today! If there is doubt...send a note..and then allow God's mercy and love help you to let it go! It says soo much about your sweet spirit and the Spirit inside you that your so upset...if you still are! It will be okay..like others have said, it probably has left their minds!
ReplyDeleteOh Polly I think us redheads are so sensitive, we tend torture ourselves. I knew it's easy to say fogeddaboudid but it weighs heavily.
ReplyDeleteI think the ladies have given you some great advice, perhaps write her a nice letter *on victorian paper ;)* or send a email with a link to this post.
Everyone has a "what was I thinking" moment. On top of it they must of really felt your pieces were so good that people would mistake them for hers, that they called you. When I saw them that is the very first thing I said: "A ___ ____ purse I could afford" :)
I hope you find some peace over this.