I feel like a newscaster today because all I have is announcements... Pretend I'm wearing a smart outfit (rather than the flannel sleeping pants that I actually have on) and talking with a business tone (rather than the type & backspace method I'm currently using)... Feels like winds of change are blowing in and for once, I WANT some change! I'm re-organizing! It's that time of year, afterall. I have a messy conglomerate of updates to share but I promise that after today I'll be more focused.

Sidebar Widgets! - I'm adding some new things over the next week that I hope you'll enjoy. Yesterday's additions were The Unmentionables (answers to embarrassing questions) and Blogs to Visit (I'm sure that I've forgotten some so please email me if you're not on the list). And some of our older links have been updated: New websites have been added to the Shopping links; The Homeschool information is updated frequently so there may be new things since the last time you visited there; The Free Clipart link has new fun stuff too. And here's a list of a few things in The Organized Home: Basic Car Care Decorating Gift Giving Household Budget Housekeeping Menu Planners & Shopping Lists Recipes To Pass Down Sewing Basics - Tutorial Videos Vintage Notions - millinery, ribbons, buttons, etc

And Country Living has some wonderful ideas for getting organized this new year.
We're expecting 6 inches of snow in the area today and there's already an inch of proof out there so no traveling today. Reporting live from the Old Farmhouse... now back to Ginger & George in the studio...