I Heart the Story

I found this watercolor kit in a box at the Salvation Army.  I love that the colors are so vibrant, even though they're old.  I wonder what pictures the child painted with those colors - however many years ago it may have been. I wonder if her grandma or her mom saved it thinking that surely she would put water to hue, brush to paper one more time but then it was forgotten in the junk drawer or perhaps she grew up faster than expected.  And how did it end up in a cardboard box, surrounded by forks and stained Tupperware?  I love the story that I haven't heard about the creativity born.  But my favorite part of the rusty old paint tin is that the red dried in the shape of a heart.  (I heart you too, little box of vintage sweetness.)

We are going through some boxes of our own here at the Blessing farmhouse.  Leftovers from years of market events. Boxes that are lining my basement and crawl spaces and garage and a storage unit.  Since we are only doing a couple of events this season, I want to clear it all out!  So please, please join us at the Nellies Barn Sale June 7th and 8th and help me make room for the next chapter.  Who knows, you might find some untold stories you'll "heart".


  1. I wish I could come Polly :-( .My Daughters rehearsal and recital is Friday and Saturday.I hope to make it in the fall.

  2. oh I love the paint set too Polly
    my little grandsons get so tickled when
    i haul out my paints..they love painting rocks
    the dirt .....anything!!!
    they said grandma wouldn't it be neat to paint our dirt pile

  3. HOW do we end up with so many of those boxes of "Stuff"? We bought a new house in February & ever since all I have done is GO THROUGH "Stuff"... Pack "Stuff"... Look for "Stuff" & remodel a house that needs "Stuff". We paid to have movers come take "Stuff" out of the attic from our move into that house 14 years ago. Only to move it to our workshop to pile into a corner for going through at another time... And do you think we can find anything? HECK NO!!! Hubby had to go buy bolt cutters because he couldn't find his bolt cutters (that he NEVER used before). OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUGS & good luck with the sale!

  4. وظيفة
    الاستخدام الصناعي والتجاري:
    موازين متخصصة موازين بسكول متحركه والمستودعات لقياس الأوزان الثقيلة بدقة.
    تُستخدم أيضًا في محلات البيع بالتجزئة لقياس المنتجات الغذائية أو غيرها.
    التحكم عن بُعد:
    موازين مجهزة بإمكانية التشغيل أو القراءة عن بُعد باستخدام تقنية البلوتوث أو الواي فاي.

  5. افلام تغليف الحديثة تتميز بعدة خصائص تجعلها متفوقة على أفلام التغليف القديمة، سواء من حيث الأداء، الكفاءة، أو الحفاظ على البيئة، مصنوعة غالبًا من مواد صديقة للبيئة مثل الـ POF (Polyolefin) أو الأفلام الحيوية القابلة للتحلل. خالية من المواد الضارة مثل الكلورين الذي كان شائعًا في أفلام PVC القديمة. وتميز بخفة الوزن والصلابة.


Something worth sharing...
"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown

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