Last evening we had a Watermelon Party! It was an impromptu invitation from the neighbor...She opened the gate and yelled, "Come on over for some watermelon!" So, like ducks in row, the children, the adults, the grandkids and any other neighbors within earshot - we all headed for the picnic table.
Every one of the kids had watermelon juice dripping from their chins and down their shirts. The adults dripped a bit more gracefully, if being hunched over and slurping is graceful! We talked about the storm that was supposed to move in through the night (and it did). The party was over as quickly as it started and while I laid in bed watching the lightning flash across the sky, I decided that I'm going to make sure to have watermelon in the house all Summer so that when the next opportunity presents itself, I can fling open the gate and holler, "Come on over for some watermelon!"

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"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown