Chippy Doll

I'm such a tomboy! I was never into dolls. I still don't really get it. My mom has a collection of vintage dolls that we all refer to as "the scary dolls". I don't know how in name of lace a Victorian gal like myself has such a non-affection for the girly pass-time of dolls! And apparently old, scary dolls have really taken an artistic turn. Have you noticed that doll parts show up in some of the best shops and booths? Over the last year or so, I've seen lots and lots of mainstream places that are using old doll parts. Since we all have an affinity toward different things, I get that art is deemed so by the beholder. And I DO think that these scary doll parts are artistic. But it makes me wonder what in the world is the matter with all of us that we think ripped apart limbs, peeling flesh, and poked out eyeballs are inspiring.


  1. Found your blog through the Giving Thanks Challenge.

    I took my daughter in a local doll store the other day and was shocked to see price tags of $200 plus. I think we will shop for dolls at the thrift store. They scare me too.

  2. HI Polly
    Oh how funny we both posted dolls this time(:) I like your dolly ..
    hugs, Patty

  3. When I got out my old Barbie's to give to my dd when she was 3 or so, she wouldn't touch them! I didn't even think about them being scary with they're half bald heads. Totally freaked her out and I had to put them in the highest shelf of my closet before she'd be satisfied! Too funny. I do have my mom's baby doll with peeling paint for hair. I'm with ya on the body part thing.
    Have a great week.
    Brenda :)

  4. I think this doll is pretty, but the doll part thing used in art, well, that does sound kinda scary!
    I agree some of the very old dolls are creepy, especially the ones with their lips parted and you can see teeth.
    But I do love dolls, especially Madame Alexander!

  5. Polly, I was just talking about this "dolly" thing to my hubby and how I used tpo hate getting dolls from my parents when all I wanted was to get some board games! xo Vanessa ps. I'm having a giveaway, come check it out!

  6. I have two old dolls from my childhood that are similar to the doll you posted. There have been casualties on them, but I still have them.


  7. If I have any doll parts to sell it would only be because I couldn't throw them out. I think some of those old dolls ARE scary and dead doll parts don't look good in art.
    Hope you are off to a great week!

  8. I admit that I am not attracted to the doll part jewelry and art. Some may find it pretty but it just looks creepy to me.

  9. Hi Polly , I looked for the blog - - for the mom/ daughter team. It doesn't come up, do you know if they are still looking for fabric donations? Thanks so much , Sue

  10. I never cared for those old dolls with the teeth either. They kind of creep me out. Hi Polly :)

  11. I've always loved dolls and taken really good care of the ones I had even as a child and had their clothes in a separate drawer to keep them "nice". This weirdness of mine didn't pass down to my daughter though, she can't sleep if there's a doll in the room and turns it's back to her if it's in the same room.

    I just saw a case of old dolls the other day in an antique store which were really weathered. I love to see the whole doll together and am not into parts thrown about at all. Don't get that at all ;)
    Happy day!

  12. I love em too! Faded and flaky!
    The more the merrier. ;)
    I had a baby tender love I adored.. and I'm posting my favorite dolls soon.
    Blessings Polly!
    Can't believe you never loved dolls?
    You should begin a search to find thee one doll in the world who captures your heart, and then... make her your own.
    from the shed!

  13. Like an old skeleton key, a scary doll is a connection to the past. And sometimes, the past ain't pretty!

    One of my least favorite shows has one of my favorite openings...That Ghost Whisperer show. I love the opening, and carefully watch it every chance I can. the show itself...well other than her shop, I am not that much interested...anyway, scary/pretty things appeal to me, though I don't know if I would have them in my home.

  14. that dolly is delightful
    she is saying
    oh deena ..come get me


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