DIY Holiday Farmhouse Trimmings

The kids and I are enjoying some time at home!  We've been making Christmas gifts and slowly decorating the house.  Here are a few of the inexpensive trimmings at our farmhouse...
(pardon my messy fireplace - we use it OFTEN)
We made birch candles for appx $1 each (see how HERE) (Stars by Rebecca Ersfeld - Granny Boot stockings available HERE).
Large paper flowers make impressive bows (my soon-to-be daughter-in-law called this one a "glitter bomb". - Yep, we are SO excited to have a wedding in our future!).  (Video tutorial HERE).
These paper rosettes/pinwheels are nice for smaller packages (see tutorial HERE or purchase HERE). 
A dozen glittered laundry pins add some sparkle to the tree (Just brush on Elmer's & cover with fine glitter. I sprayed mine with a clear glossy finish to keep the glitter in place no matter which of my little elves play with them).

Vintage Paperie holiday banners (available to personalize HERE or create your own with old book pages, twine and stencils.)
Book pages folded like a fan, wrapped in burlap and tied with ribbon.
 Burlap bows (available HERE or create your own with a couple yards of burlap.  I sprinkled mine with a mix of mica and fine glitter).
French script angel wings (I made my own pattern -here is a similar template- but you can purchase a downloadable pattern from Feathered Nest HERE or a completed set of wings HERE.)

Not a fancy tree by any means but I wanted to share a fun photo editing app with you. I took this picture with my phone. Camera360 allows you to use cool filters right from your phone like Lomo, HDR, Dreamy, Ghostly, and even fun scenery, and share them to Facebook, etc.
It's a free DIY toy (read more about it HERE).

Mr. Blessing has a rare night off so we are going to have a fire and watch DVR'd programs.  My favorite kind of date night - right in the middle of the week!


  1. So many wonderful ideas here. And resource rich! Lovely. Thanks so much!

  2. Each and every treasure is just beautiful!! I just love your angel wings and you are so precious to link to my tutorial, thank you so very much for the link love ~ I have a few more things to do around here...Christmas is coming fast! Thank you again, hugs and love, Dawn

    1. Hi Dawn. Thank you! I adore your wings and just about everything else that you create. =)

      Blessings... Polly

  3. Oh my-oh my- oh my! What a beautiful post full of wonderful things. You outdid yourself- xo Diana

  4. Wow, I love all the pictures, but that architectural piece over your mantle is over the top beautiful! And what a perfect spot for it!!

    Take care. . .

  5. Beautiful white Christmas at your house!

  6. Everything looks so pretty--love those stockings!

  7. So pretty, sweet ornaments, love the Dickens page,


Something worth sharing...
"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown