The Reaper

I love reading church signs.  You know, the ones that announce the monthly sermon series or quote a Bible verse or share a funny quip.  I'm in such a daze lately that sometimes I think church signs are God's way of speaking directly to me through the fog of life.   I read my Bible everyday (if it weren't in the bathroom, I'd forget, believe me!).  I participate in various studies (I rarely do my "homework" though).  I even get a devotional in my gmail box every morning.  But I'm so tired these days that I almost need to hear Him say it OUT LOUD (or in caps) before it catches my attention.  

This week the church sign that God used to speak to me said, "Live Within Your Harvest".  Apparently, it's not a new saying but I hadn't heard it before so it was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds.  At a time when Mr. Blessing is working second shift along with all the weekend market events we do; A time when some days of homeschooling feel like another task to tick off the to-do list; A time when parenting is more prayer time than family time; When my dear, dear Neighbor Bob is moving away.... It was good - really good - to be reminded that this is the harvest that God has given us.  Mr. Blessing has work.  I am home with the kids.  For once I'm sorta living the verse "Pray without ceasing".  And Neighbor Bob lived through his ambulance ride and the surgery that followed.   

Once again, I'm reminded to put on the garment of praise.
What a relief - focusing on the harvest instead of the plowing & reaping!


  1. Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Gret post!...I like the thought of living within what He has provided me with....I try to "be content" a lot!!


Something worth sharing...
"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown