Eerily Quiet Junking

Our family hit the road last weekend.
We hitched up the trailer and followed my parents on some of the back roads of Wisconsin. Those of you who know us, know that my mom and dad have a weird sixth sense for hunting down out-of-the-way junking spots.  But this has to be the most unique one yet... A thrift shop at an abandoned monastery/convent community!  Down a winding country road and behind large gates are acres and acres of gorgeous, empty buildings that were once home to the local monks and nuns.
 Serene and eerily quiet.
We were the only shoppers so we took our time and ate lunch under a tree.  It was lovely walking the grounds, listening to the rustling leaves and wondering what life must have been like in this setting.

In the 1960's it was home to a preparatory school but over the last 30 years the entire complex has been dormant and has fallen prey to gang activity. 

Other than hosting the occasional  haunted house (yikes - can you imagine?!!), the thrift shop is the first life this commune has seen in a very long time.
So, again, I have to ask - How in the world does my mother find these junking spots???


  1. How was the junking there? What a wonderful trip to take pics are beautiful, I love strange out of the way junking hunts but this one has to be a little different than any I have been on!

  2. What did you find? Looks like a pretty place! karen...

  3. It took a little sleuthing on my part but I have figured out where you were. It looks like a fascinating place, even without a thrift store benefit. Decades and decades of history. Thanks for the heads-up.

  4. Great place....they are sweet there and go every time I go to see my daughter... :) First time I was there would have been the Fall of 1998....


Something worth sharing...
"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown