Tattered Sweet

 We found an old blue velour love seat a couple weeks ago with a down-filled cushion.  I couldn't wait to tear into it and get it down to it's bare skin.  I seriously want to clean it up a bit and put it at my farm table just like it is!
But I promised Mr. Blessing that he could have a crack at selling it this weekend.  So he's headed out to Allegan, MI while I stay home and get the kids ready to start school on Monday (Have I mentioned before that homeschool moms just dread this weekend?!).  I just know that some photographer is going to snap up this sweetly tattered sofa for wedding photo shoots.  -insert pathetic pouty face here-  But if it makes it back home, I'm laying claim to it!  

Hope your weekend is filled with all sorts of last minute picnics, neighborhood parties and lazy hours on the porch!

UPDATE:  Mr. Blessing called - the sofa was gone within minutes!


  1. Polly--this rocks...I can see why you want to keep it. Oh yeah, and I can't believe Steve (aka ryan gosling) is doing a show by himself!

    1. He's totally Ryan! What an amazing guy. I drew him a little map of where I thought the big stuff should go but I gotta be honest - He set up at Kane by himself once and it was AMAZING - He'll probably do a better job that I would. =)

  2. Oh yeah. Lovely underpinnings. :)

  3. Polly,
    LOVE it just as it is.Sometimes it is hard to part with things we are planning on selling.Too bad you could not send him off with another piece so you can enjoy that one for a bit.

  4. I'd certainly want to keep it too! We start school this Wednesday so we're also in the finalstages of getting ready. Good luck!

    1. Thank you. Isn't the week before school starts hard? It's such a scramble to get all the supplies and clothes. Ugh. Even though we homeschool, we go to a co-op that has lists of supplies and uniforms for the days they are at the school, etc. Well anyhow, I hope you get to enjoy these last few days with the kids. Blessings...

  5. OOOHHHH MMMMMM GGGEEEEEEE that is just amazingly gorgeous! I can see why you would want to keep it. Heck I would:) I hope it doesn't sell so you can keep it an enjoy it;)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

    1. Thank you - I do too!! Of course, I also want to pay the bills this month so maybe I shouldn't pray to hard that the sofa comes back home with him =)

  6. GREAT piece- I hope it sells....or not!;>) Love it- xo Diana

  7. I want to lay claims to it too! What a cOOl piece!

  8. My heavens.... that settee is lovely! Great find! I see you sell at Allegan antique market. I did a post about it on my blog as it was the first time that I had visited it. Fabulous way to spend an early Sunday morning! Everyone was so friendly and offered so many incredible treasures that it made it quite the adventure. I would love to have you visit my blog and especially read that post... I think you would enjoy it! And I have the Vintage Market put down on my calendar... woohoo!!

  9. Hey Polly! I saw your beautiful settee at the Allegan Market last weekend. What a gorgeous piece! Wished I had more room in my house for it because I would'ave snapped it up. lol! I did purchase a beautiful white lacey net drape from your booth. If you check out my blog next week (heavens-walk.blogspot.com) you'll see it in my post! :) I'm your newest follower and was so glad to meet you last month in your booth! :)

    xoxo laurie

  10. Hi Polly..oh no don't sell that piece! I love it..wish I lived closer I love all you create & sell. xo Laura


Something worth sharing...
"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown