Shopper's Remorse


I'm having shopper's remorse!

Or, at least, I think that's what it would be called. You know, that feeling you get when you walk away from something that caught your eye only to wish upon wishes that you would've bought the silly thing. It doesn't happen to me often because I have fallen prey many times to the theory that if you love it, buy it (I think some wicked wealthy person made up that saying). But I so wish that I would've bought that Farm Ballads book. I'm just dying to know what's inside! Is it really a book filled with poems about farms?? I'm going over to ask Shelley right now...

(photo taken at Sweet Pea Home)


  1. Hey Polly, I just saw your post. I bet if you go over to Shelly's blog and leave her a comment it may still be there. Hope so...

  2. Oh Polly,
    You must have it! I saw your pic and thought, "Hmm, that book looks familiar". I purchased a book called Farm Festivals by Will Carleton last year at my St. Vinnie's. It has a brown embossed cover with apples, corn stalks, pumpkins etc. on the cover and I thought it would be perfect to display for Fall (certainly not because I live in a farm house or on a farm!). It's a lovely book with great poems and engraved pictures must have that book!

  3. I love the way you display your wonderful treasures and finds!
    They take on a life of their own!
    Too cool!

  4. Hi Polly,
    I read about you today in the Dec issue of Romantic Homes :) That is awesome that you are in a magazine! Loved the interview and seeing a picture of you. I now know someone "famous" :)

  5. hi there! i have this exact same book in my collection! it is from a 5 book set that i purchased while visiting cape cod last year!

    here is one excerpt:

    Good God! my wife is gone! my wife is gone asray! The letter says, "Good-bye, for I'm a-going away; I've lived with you six months, John, and so far I've been true; But I'm going away to-day with a handsomer man than you."

    wow...too funny!


  6. I was so bummed that Shelley's copy had sold but I was able to get a copy on ebay for $8.99!! Thanks for sharing some of the book with me! I knew I'd love it after reading your funny excerpt! -Polly


Something worth sharing...
"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown

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