Green Akers

I thought you might like to see the farm market that we visited last weekend. It's called Green Akers. Isn't that a perfect name?!

Have you ever been to a fruit & veggies stand like this?? Ok, well it's not really a stand. It's a huge ol' barn and it's only part fruit & veggies.

The rest is a store to swoon over...

Oh, and a little update on the puppies... They are all thriving & delightful. Mom Latte is being a good mom and she still loves me, even though I totally overlooked her pregnancy. =) The vet says they are all doing well. Will post some new pictures of them next week.

Have a beautiful weekend!


  1. I'd take that pink floral sofa in a heartbeat or less, sweetpea! Gorgeous.....

  2. Hi Polly,
    Happy Birthday tomorrow! I hope you can wear your pajamas and eat cake while getting your feet rubbed all day! Turning 40 is the best except the part where you suddenly need glasses to thread a needle!
    Magnolia "Pearl"

  3. Waw!!!!!!!!!!!! soo many gorgeous details! Loved it! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend,
    Rosa from Portugal

  4. Wow what a shop! I'm drooling ... seriously! Thanks for sharing. As much as I love EVERYTHING in the store ... I would KILL to love on all of those puppies!! CONGRATULATIONS! They are sweet, sweet, sweet ... more pictures ... please!


  5. How did I miss this post? That place is great... I want to go, love that bed!


Something worth sharing...
"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown

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