I have a file that is about an inch thick filled with just holiday and vacation petitions, orders, and mediation recommendations. Christmas is always a problem. No matter how I try to work it out, there always has to be more court dates, more calls to the Guardian ad Litem, more frustration. Somehow the hotel he's supposed to be staying at never has a guest registered with that name... More than once I've had to request hotel security to search a room... One year we had to get a court order for my son to be returned.
A few days ago, I talked to him for the first time in a long time. I forgot to check the caller id before I answered the phone (there was a little bliss just in the simple act of forgetting to check, I have to admit that). He wanted to discuss his Christmas visitation. I cringed and took a deep breath, just waiting for the demands. He offered to let Noah stay with me this year.... Of course, I'm suspicious!! ...but for the first time in 18 years I'm not going to borrow problems from tomorrow.
There have been little blessings and little miracles along this journey so far and I'd tell you each and every one if you asked. There have also been struggles and doubt and issues but, you know what there hasn't been? A court appearance, a petition, or even so much as a call from a lawyer!
Definition of Blessings: To make happy, blithesome, or joyous... Definition of Counting: the study of the arrangement of objects. As I sit here contemplating "studying", I'm suddenly struck by one thought... numbers are infinite! Definition of Counting Your Blessings: the study of the infinite arrangements of joy!
Father, YOU are my joy, my peace, my blessing. You are my Christmas noel.