After she moved away, over time, the inevitable happened... we went on with life, growing a little more apart each year. In fact, we hardly talk now. Though I love her and I know she loves me, there's a huge distance between us - not just time and space but emotionally, spiritually... There's tension and hurt... I only knew about the purse snatching from my mom and my mom has very little real contact with her either. It's true that when we talk, we always say I love you, but really don't talk anymore.
I told you before about how my 10 year old neice and I share our little stories through the mail... that's my sister's daughter. I send my neice postage paid envelopes and she sends a story. Then I send one back to her. This morning I was excited to get a big fat envelope in the mail from her. I knew it was from her because it had my own handwriting on the front. When I opened it, a little beanie baby pelican fell out and a tiny little note that read, "I'm sorry, my mom says I can't send stories to you anymore. Please don't tell her." There was a penciled circle with the words, "My love and kisses were here."
I won't go into all the history because I don't want to violate her private life. There have been a lot of years of painful rejection. At times, my husband has held me as I cried and said that we need to cut all ties until things change. I just can't! I miss her, or the her she used to be. Don't get me wrong, part of me wants to be angry and be done with it! In fact, this morning I wanted to scream, to throw things at her, to give up trying to have a relationship with her. But then there was that thing... the thing I wrote yesterday about giving grace when another adult has hurt me. Ugh, I hate it when my own words come back to get me!! So I'll try to continue this day in grace. Afterall, Christ gives me grace several times a day...

Putting that behind me for a bit, I'll move on to something a bit more cheerful. =) I found a little website that you all might enjoy (Rasberry Berett). Well, I didn't really find it. More like the click, click, click in blogland landed me there. She has some lovely things and isn't her header/logo yummylicious?!
Here are a few of the fabric bundles I have left to send. A few have already been mailed and I'm just so thankful to everyone who contacted me. I hope you won't be disappointed! There's still soooo much to go through. Maybe we'll do a give-away or make some kind of game of it in a few weeks. 
I took this picture yesterday while it was sunny out just to show you the... well... empty flower pots. At one time a few weeks ago they were full of flowers but the rain has drowned everything. Except the weeds, of course!
Well, I must go work on ebay listings... I've fallen a bit behind this week. Have a wonderful Saturday! Blessings...
I'm so sorry you are going through this. I can hear your heart breaking trying to hold on to the love you shared and had; trying to just cope.
ReplyDeleteThere is so much Separation and Rejection weaving its way in and out of lives, it is relentless and looks for the tiniest opening to exploit.
It takes ONE person to forgive and move forward. However, that person can only move to the edges of the wall built by another until that other person forgives and moves forward. It's all you can do. Accept God's Grace and His Love for you, He knows your heart is broken. That is why he came. Like 4:18...and sometimes that is all we can hold on to and we pray.
Sending hugs,
Thank you, Melissa. God has given me a spirit of adoption (as the Bible says) so I'm confident that my family issues matter to Him. I'm blessed that He calls me "child" and also that He gave me a husband who will hold me when sad things come along. ...Grace, again!
ReplyDeletePolly, I was so sad to read about the hurt you are going through with your sister. I never had a sister, always wanted one, which is why my girlfriends are so important to me. I hope in time things will work out. The note your neice sent literally broke my heart. On another note. You offered to send me some fabric and I forgot to tell you that I would love some. The bundles you pictured look fabulous. Can I have some please? (Wow, did that sound greedy, or what? ha ha)I will email you my address if that is okay. Thanks so much!
Hello Polly ~ How are you feeling today? My husband and I can so relate to your loss of family. Long story...but very painful indeed. Hey sweetie, are there any "piles" left? Like I need more fabric, but if you can email me to let me know I'd appreciate it. sweetcottagedreams1@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely day and know that we become stronger for pain in our hearts. Our soul doesn't deserve to be bruised, however we cannot control the being of another's.
hugs and pixie giggles ((smiles)),
Hi Polly.
ReplyDeleteFirst I want to say that this is a GREAT blog! You do a wonderful job with it. I enjoy coming here, thank you.
Secondly, I feel for you with the family thing. I too have strained relations with family members...I think most people do these days. I'm not sure why but after many years of trying to understand I gave up. I am cordial and there for them, with boundaries of course, and it makes it much easier. I realized that I can't change people, they are what they are. I finally feel at peace with that but it took a long time.
Bright side of that is we really appreciate all of our other blessings in life.
Lisa, that's so true! I probably do appreciate more the relationships that I have with my parents and my brother because I'm not as close to my sister as I used to be. In fact, my brother and I have some pretty good telephone conversations. Thanks for reminding me. Blessings... Polly
ReplyDeleteThis post truly touched me. I am so sorry that you have such a hurt in your life. Family hurts sometimes are unbearable without the Lord. Tears came to my eyes as I read in your post about your niece. How sad for her and for you. I pray that God will bring you peace about this. I hope that there is someone in your niece's life that can give her the spiritual guidance and comfort that she needs too.