
I have FINALLY started moving all the fabric!! I'm a bit ashamed that I have so much. Especially as I dig further and further into the piles and cabinets, remembering this or that piece was rather expensive and here it sits in a heap! Though it's difficult for a hoarder like me, I MUST give some of it away. I have a full sewing room just for fabric and it can't even contain all the fabric! And the saddest thing is that I just keep buying more! However, in my own defense, this is my business so I have to be on the lookout for vintage fabrics at good prices. Ok, that's no excuse. So... I'd like to tithe some of it to a few people who may be interested (if there's no one, it's off to the Goodwill it'll go - or maybe there's a church whose ladies group could use it). I'll offer to all of you first. If you, or anyone you would like to send a gift of fabric to, are interested, I'll send mixed 2-3 pound packages out to the first 3 who email (no cost to you). I'm sure there's more than enough to go beyond 3 but let's start there. Bear in mind that most of it is floral (roses) but there are some stripes, checks, etc. too. Use the email link in my profile and remember to provide a shipping address.

Now let's put aside my obvious addiction and move to something less full of guilt =) I received my order from Present Past yesterday. Look how pretty it is with the chocolate sucker and the vintage buttons. And that's before I even opened the most gorgeous notecards! Amazing! My husband and I were discussing the photos on each one. Really, go over to her store and take a look!!

On to an entirely different topic (betcha I don't get much accomplished today - it seems my mind is wanderlust this morning!)... I was at our local Target store the other day (buying school supplies that are just a newer version of what was sent home only 2 1/2 months ago. Don't tell the kids but I'm putting the same scissors, glue, etc. back in the bag to go live in their new class room. Afterall, a backpack alone for 4 children can break a person) See, probably won't get much done today =) So... anyhow... this sea-green corner kept catching my eye. I couldn't think of any good reason that I would need even one of those items, but Ooooh I want those pretty bowls! (can't you just hear the whiny inner child?! It's just not fair! Backpacks and folders but no sparkly green bowls!)

And yet only hours before that moment in Target, I was commenting about how God has given me exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think... Here today, I start my blog with more fabric than I can even store... Fleeting things and still I want them... Father, as I see all these yummy things that tempt me so, help me know you and what you want so that I will be filled with the fullness of yourself.


  1. You have a beautiful blog! I can relate completely to this post. I think realization is the first step to contentment, and certainly to taming the "I want it" beast:>) I am glad I came across your page.

  2. I enjoy reading your blog because you cover such a wide range from creativity to spirituality. I love fabrics myself and can hardly bear to see any ever given away. I hoard it too and love to make quilts as and when I can. I have been making all my christmas cards and birthday cards from fabric scraps for ages now and each year try hard to think of one more style!
    Blessing to you

  3. Barbara, Thank you for your kind words! If you would like to give me your address, I'd be happy to send a package of fabric your way. -Polly (countingyourblessings@gmail.com)

  4. I love your blog. I too am a horder of fabric. So hard to use your very best pieces don't you agree? You just never know when you are going to need a certain fabric for a specific project though. I have been a follower of your ebay auctions which is how I found your blog. Will continue to check in with you on a regular basis. Please visit my new blog at athingforroses.blogspot.com Best wishes,


  5. shoot! am i number ? I would love some of your fabric! i never seem to be able to get the wonderful vintage fabric that i see here! i promise I would use it!!lol

  6. Hello!! Thank you for visiting my blog.. I have really enjoyed reading through yours and you are definatly a girl after my own heart!!


  7. p.s. love the fountain at the end of the post!

  8. Hi-me again! You are so right-think we all suffer from the initial 'I want it' when we see pretty things! I call it my 'inner toddler'! At least, we are aware of this and can hopefully contain ourselves most of the time!
    By the way, thanks for showing the Target photos-I am intrigued by this shop, but have never seen what they look like inside!!

  9. I am so relating to your addiction for fabric. I even went out today to buy some Sterilite containers to put more of my fabric in. What is it with us gals that have the need for fabric? Someday though I will be using it for pillows, totes and quilts to sell on eBay. Till then, I need to stop buying! Just know that it is ok to be a fabric addict...can think of a whole lot worse to be addicted to. ha. xo, Becky

  10. I love your blog! So happy that you are my partner in the cotton and candy swap. One question - what are trinidads?


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"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."
-- Author Unknown

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