I suspect that somewhere in the back of all of our minds, we instinctively know that Sundays are supposed to be different than all the other days. We probably all grew up hearing that it's supposed to be a day of rest. But what if Sunday was the only day of fun... the only day of treats, the only day of special things (only lovely and sweet and happy - cherished things), the only day we could play in the yard with our children, the only day we were allowed to use the computer for fun, the only day we could relax watching tv - not folding a load of clothes, the only day of the week that we could get an ice cream sundae??? Oh how I would look forward to Sunday morning, rather than Friday night! 

I certainly wouldn't plan any thing that even resembled my regular daily grind. I wouldn't waste a minute with dirty dishes, or driving all over town running errands, or worrying about the state of the kids bedrooms. If Sunday were the only day I could be silly with my 4 year old... the only day I could read a non-required book with my 6 year old... the only day I could hug and kiss on my husband... the only day I could have any kind of fun - what kind of fun would I choose?
Sure I might think about choosing a restaurant meal or fun time on the computer or many other things not part of my daily grind, but in the end I'm sure I would sacrifice even those things in order to have moments with those most dear to me. Because if all the other days are the same work (be it housework, office work, homework, yard work, even blog work), and only one day was allowed for the most cherished things, I would put aside everything for a day full of moments! How refreshing would that be?! My closest relationships, how would they change? Have I even tried to have a day without all the clutter? If I only had one day a week for the things that truly bring joy, would I waste that day on anything else? Oh, how sad that I know I have!

A separate, special day... what a way to renew your mind for the week ahead! Would I have reverance for that day (like I do for the church building? That holy, hushed feeling when I sit in that pew) For the One who gave it to me? Would I think any differently of Him for telling us to set this day apart from every other day? It's a gift, isn't it?! What a holy blessing to have this one very special day! And although I've known it all my life, it seems I've forgotten that it's also a commandment. If I honor the day and keep it holy, He promises we'll have joy. I remember now that separating this day from all others is a sign that He gave us that He alone is the one who saves us (Exekiel 20:12). Like that special little wink or gesture between you and your husband that says, "You are my life". That's the gift of Sunday.
I'm so fortunate that every single day I get to have the cupcakes of life! But all those treasures I find each week, aren't what I treasure most. I'm choosing to make Sundays - from now on - set apart for only the Ice Cream Sundae moments. My blog will skip a day but my heart will perhaps skip a beat! Oh Joy!! Oh joy, that God gave me such a special day. Like a teen girl at the stage of her favorite artist might lift her hands just for a single touch of her fingertips, I raise both arms to You. I love You. You are my life.
What a lovely post! Sunday is certainly a special day in so many ways:>)
ReplyDeleteHey Polly, were your ears burning today? Isabel and I were talking about you. I asked her if she got her issue of RH mag. yet and she said yes and I told her about your stove. She said she saw that picture and I told her about you and your blog. She said that she has bought fabric from you on ebay. Small world, right? Hope you have a great week. I'm too tired right now to do a blog post, but will update it tomorrow with some great pictures of the antique show we did today.
You are invited to visit my blog.nice to meet you
ReplyDeleteLisa, you're too sweet. I'll hop over later to check it out!! Blessings...Polly
ReplyDeletePolly, thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment! This is a lovely post!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week,