Back Porch Musings wrote about her Door County memories yesterday. I grew up hearing wonderful things about Door County but it wasn't until I visited several years ago with my parents that I saw why everyone says wonderful things about it. My husband, myself, and our 4 children along with my parents and the 3 children they have adopted all visit that area every July. The cottages are so darling! The beach... it's like being at the ocean because we're right on Lake Michigan. Out of all the things that we do with our children through the year, and all the money that gets spent on gifts for birthdays and Christmas... These trips up to Door County are so endearing for both the kids and us.
The kids always love to visit the Sugar Bear Cottage! It's a whole cottage full of old fashioned candy and dolls/bears that you build yourself (like build-a-bear but very unique).
This is one of the cottages along the winding road that follows the Lake. There are tiny shack type cottages mixed in with elegant updated Summer homes. We like to pack a lunch for the drive and stop along the way to let the kids swim.
I don't know if you can see the seagulls in the beach photo but there were just hundreds of them that day.
I take my camera everywhere on vacation. I couldn't resist these turtles! It was like a Monet...

Thank you for coming by the back porch. I enjoyed your Door County photos. I'd love to rent a cottage in beautiful Door County.
Back Porch Musings
After reading Pat's post about Door County and now yours, I have to add it to my list of places to visit!